Applications are being accepted.
Call 508-252-3725 for more details.
Per Rehoboth Fire Department Rules and Regulations, all Rehoboth firefighters are required to attend a minimum of 24-hours of Company training per year. Company training is described as training by each individual company as directed by the Training Plan for the given year. Companies are required to hold training 1 to 2 times per month according to the Company's staffing and needs.
Per Massachusetts mandate, all firefighters appointed to municipal fire departments within the Commonwealth are required to have minimum levels of emergency medical training. The minimum requirements are certification in CPR and the First Responder level of emergency medical response training. CPR requires sixteen hours of training every two years. First Responder requires 24 hours of training every two years.
Firefighters who become EMTs are certified through agencies authorized by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services to provide such training, and then tested and certified by State examiners. EMTs must take a 24 hour refresher class and obtain 28 additional hours of continuing education every two years.
At other times during the year, the Chief or the Training Officer may require other training depending on the needs of the RFD. Other required training during the year can include, but is not limited to:
Three Company. Training that requires the use of the manpower, equipment and apparatus of all three Companies to acheive the desitre goal.
Equipment/Apparatus. Newly acquired equipment or apparatus that requires immedicate familiarization or training to be placed into service. This training is normally provided by the vendor at no charge.
Discretionary. Any training the Chief or Training Officer deem necessary due to a presumed deficiency or needed refresher on any tactic, strategy, apparatus or equipment.

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The Department requires all recruits to attain the level of Firefighter I and II before becoming full members. This training is provided by the State of Massachusetts through the Department of Fire Services and the Massachusetts Fire Academy yearly at no cost to the town. Recruits attend 120 hours of training to reach this level. Recruits are supplied with texts and personal protective equipment by the RFD.
The number of recruits sent to the Fire Academy depends on the qualified number of recruits seeking employment, the number of recruits being accepted by the Fire Academy and the needs of the Department as assessed by the Chief.
Recruits are NOT compensated for their time, transportation, uniforms or meals during this training.
The Fire Academy may request the Chief to occasionally provide apparatus for certain modules during this training. The Chief may detail firefighters or officers to provide this support.
Upon completion of Firefighter I and II training, recruits are required to complete Company training that requires spending a reasonable amount of hours with a Company Officer to become familiar with the operation and location of Company equipment, apparatus, streets, and response orders.
Department Officers are required to attend advanced training in tactics, strategy, fire ground operations, management and administration. The Department provides up to 24 hours of this training annually. Department Officers receive no additional compensation for attending this training.
The Department encourages and hosts training from the State of Massachusetts through the Department of Fire Services and the Massachusetts Fire Academy yearly at no charge to the town. The training varies from 6 to 8 hours depending on the subject being covered. Most firefighters attend at least one of these classes annually.
The Department may occasionally contract to agencies outside of the Fire Academy for specialized training that the Academy does not provide or have the resources to provide.
The Department and Company Training Officers are required to schedule, prepare and meet to provide training to the Department. This amounts to several hours per year.
The Department takes advantage of other training opportunities.
The Rehoboth Fire Department is comprised of on-call volunteers from all walks of life - business professionals, farmers, carpenters, public servants, IT managers, landscapers, full-time firefighters, medical and health care professionals, and service technicians, to name just a few.
The RFD provides cost-effective fire protection for the town with over sixty members, three stations with varied apparatus. We are always recruiting to bolster our ranks made up of your friends, neighbors, and relatives to live in Rehoboth.
Our organizational structure consists of a full-time Chief and assistant chiefs with various responsibilities, Company officers, and firefighters. Where you reside in town dictates which of the three stations you are assigned. You may also become a member if you work in town and your employer allows you to respond to calls. You would only be asked to leave your worklace for incidents that require substantial manpower. If you employer has any questions, we can elaborate on what type of incidents this would entrail along with the frequency of these incidents.
Yes, there are some qualifications and requirements that need to be met. You must be a minimum of 18 years of age, but there is no age limit. We have several members that are in the later stages of life.
Joining the RFD is not only a great way to give back to your community and its residents, but the feeling of personal satisfaction you will attain is something you must experience for yourself. So we ask you to please give serious consideration to joining our ranks.
You must submit a standard application for employment.
You must pass a physical examination and agility test.
You must hold a valid driver's licence.
You must pass an extensive background check.
Once your application is accepted:
You must complete an intensive 5-month training course held on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and some classes on weekends held in conjunction with the Massachusetts Fire Academy. The course usually begins in January and wraps up in May.
Service to the RFD and Town of Rehoboth:
Once entry level training is complete, you will be required to attend Company drills and pull duty once a month, as well as responding to calls when available.
Equipment and Compensation:
The Department provides all training materials and personal protective equipment required. Firefighters are compensated for fire, training, and duty hours.
Membership is open to local youth ages 13 through 17. The program exposes members to fire service training and job knowledge for those considering a career in emergency services and public safety.
The group meets monthly for drills. Members receive the same training as firefighters to be as realistic as possible. members become certified in CPR and First Responder emergency medical training. They are allowed to perform support functions at incidents including brush fires. The Juniors also help out at various community and fire association events.
This program is an invaluable recruitment tool and several Juniors have gone on to attend the Massachusetts Fire Academy Recruit Class, and go on to become full members of the RFD. Others have gone on to full-time careers in fire departments elsewhere.
Our program is registered with the National Volunteer Fire Council that offers scholarships, fund-raising ideas, and a forum for discovery and discussion of what other programs are doing around the country.
Please call 50-252-3725 for more information or to request an application form.