Burning Period January thru May 1
Open burning season begins January 2024. Residents are required to obtain a burning permit using your choice of method.
1) Mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with a check for $5 made payable to Town of Rehoboth to: Rehoboth Fire Department, 334 Anawan Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769.
2) Get your permit and pay on the Town of Rehoboth website (RehobothMA.gov) "Citizen Action Center" area of the home page. Click on the last tab for "Online Permits" and follow the payment directions.
Please be safe while doing any open burning on your property. Never hesitate to call 911 for any fire that becomes difficult for you to manage.
Open Burning
Due to COVID-19, all fire stations are closed to the public. Please do not come to the office for permits.

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