About Us
The Rehoboth Fire Department covers a 46 square mile area and serves a population of 12,992 (Census 2019). Our jurisdiction also includes Interstate 195, and State Highways 6, 44 and 118.
We have a mix of property to protect from large farms to single family homes as well as industrial and commercial structures. We are mostly a rural community with vast wooded areas and no municipal water supply -- something that presents special challenges to firefighting and requires specialized equipment to mitigate incidents.
The department is made up of approximately 60 “paid on-call” members assigned to three strategically located stations in the north, center and south districts of the town. Firefighters are only compensated for hours actually spent at incidents, while training and one 3-hour duty shift per month. Our operating budget is approximately $80,000 or $6.15 per resident. That make us the lowest cost per capita department in the area. The Fire Chief is the only full-time member, as employee of the Town.
The department assists and receives assistance from surrounding communities through mutual aid. We are also members of the Bristol County Task Force and the State Mutual Aid system. These systems also allow access to specialized equipment and resources throughout the region.
The department is equipped by the town with quality apparatus and equipment that is invaluable to our mission. We have also acquired used and surplus equipment and apparatus over the years to assist with our specialized operations.
As mentioned previously, the town has no municipal water system. This requires us to bring our initial supply with us to incidents requiring fire suppression. We have three tanker trucks in our fleet with a capacity of 9600 gallons of water. Along with our other apparatus that would typically respond to this type of incident we arrive with 13,000+ gallons of water.
Our vast wooded areas require us to also maintain various size “brush trucks” with off-road capability. You may view all of our apparatus elsewhere on the site. We also staff Fire Prevention and Public Education divisions within our department.
The focus of the department has been, and will continue to be, valuable service to the residents and visitors of the community; professional development of a well-trained and competent membership; and the safety of our citizens. In addition, we strive to conserve resources, operate safely, be valuable members of the town, and contribute in any way we can.
Once our stations reopen to the public, you are always welcome to visit and meet members of the department. If you ever have any questions, are interested in joining us, or need information about any of our programs, please contact us at 508-252-3725. We look forward to hearing from you.

Station Two - North Company
Kenneth D. Marshall, Jr. Fire Station
333 Tremont Street
Station One - Center Company
RFD Headquarters
Public Safety Building
332 Anawan Street (Route 118)
Station Three - South Company
104 Pleasant Street

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